canon 5d MKlll

Wild Rivers

Wild Rivers

Since I can’t swim, it will be rare for me to post an image of moving water from this perspective. Couple that with the fact that I have a very expensive camera (and lens, and tripod) the chances of this happening again are quite slim…

Actually, I’ll be honest. I’ve been to too many places where the shot was “ok” from the safe area, but I just knew it would be better if I took just a little more risk. Be it the Grand Canyon, Palouse Falls, or the Cedar River…. I’ve found myself pushing my photography more and more as my passion for photography grows. I AM NOT in any way shape or form suggesting that we (you) do anything unsafe to compose an image. However, if the risk is calculated, and you have taken the necessary safety precautions – go for it!

These little tweaks and adjustments to your perspective can make a HUGE difference in the final image.
