
Nature’s Glory

So, call me crazy, but I never heard of Flickr “Explore” until today. I posted the linked image on Flickr late last night. At about noon today, I noticed that I had received about 40 emails from people all over the world… Several of them were in different languages. Apparently, Flickr receives about 6,000 image uploads every minute — That’s about 8.6 million photos a day! From this massive group of images, the Flickr Interestingness algorithm chooses only 500 images to showcase for each 24-hour period.

Anyhoo, my sunset image made the cut… Just the nudge I needed to grab my camera bag and head out the door to “explore” even more.

I’ll check back in tonight… Hopefully, with more interesting photos. Thanks, Flickr, for the motivation!

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Nature's Glory


The Most Beautiful Place on Earth

I had the opportunity to make a few stops along the Oregon Coast this past weekend. Being that I live in Washington state, I didn’t expect to see anything significantly different. Boy, was I shocked and surprised… I spent the majority of my time in Bandon, Oregon. This is a great place to camp (if you’re into that type of thing). Highly recommended for anyone that needs to plan a summer road trip.



Memories ::: Don’t Take Them For Granted

I wish, I wish, I wish I had a picture like this of me and my dad… I have a few, but only about 4 with both of us in the same frame. And, most of those images were taken just before his death in 2009. My daughters don’t like the camera at all (neither did I when I was younger). But they don’t have to… I have taken countless pictures of them without them even knowing it, and will continue to do so. And, I plan to give them a library of images when they are older. Hopefully, it’ll remind them of how much we loved and cherished our relationships with them…

I took this image this past weekend. We decided to take a family road trip down to California. Our youngest was having a blast at Crystal Cove, running wild along the edge of the ocean.


Art is Everywhere

Open your eyes. Everything is beautiful. Even that old pond that everyone ignores… Pause for a second from time to time. Breathe in what has been created. It’s good for the soul…

Keep shooting my fellow photogs!


Tis the Season for Senior Portraits!

If you know someone shopping around for senior portraits, I would really appreciate it if you gave me a referral. Photography is really therapeutic for me. And, I would appreciate the therapy. 😉



Perfection = Paralysis

The pursuit of perfection may lead to procrastination, which ultimately, may end up leading to paralysis. Been there, done that… Don’t plan on wasting my valuable time doing that anymore. Don’t waste yours. The time for action is now. Get off your arse, and get it going.

If you want to be good, or even great, just go and do. The more you do, the better you get. It’s that simple. My dad used to say that common sense comes from doing things that are common. Same lesson, different story. Funny how things make sense when you’re all grown up.

The Coolest Place on Earth

Absolutely the best place to visit in all of Washington, and arguably the Pacific Northwest, is the Palouse region of eastern Washington. Located just miles outside Washington State University, the dramatic landscapes are plentiful and incredibly beautiful. The rich colors, the heritage barns, and the rural setting makes this destination a personal favorite. If you’re a photographer, make sure you’re not in the driver’s seat. Looking at the beautiful setting is worse than texting and driving. 🙂

This image and many more can be found in the landscape section of my website,
